Archived Workgroups
The Imagine Different Coalition had three workgroups until the structure was revised in December 2016.
advocacy workgroup
Tasked with educating policy makers and other system representatives about the systemic changes necessary and possible to enable all children with disabilities in PA to grow up in families. The Advocacy Workgroup developed an Action Memo which describes changes that could be made to enhance supports for families and funding that would better support family life.
data workgroup
Tasked with increasing awareness about the number of children with disabilities growing up in congregate settings in PA and the kinds of facilities where children live. The Data Workgroup worked with state agencies and stakeholders to try to gather accurate data.
facilitator workgroup
Tasked with educating stakeholders about the potential benefit of developing a “Facilitator” role in PA modeled after its use in a project in Texas to help families of children living in congregate care settings to imagine and achieve an alternative. The role is described in the Imagine Different... Achieve Different! Workbook for Facilitators.
The Facilitator Workgroup developed a proposal for a pilot project to implement the Facilitator role in Pennsylvania.